Thursday, September 18, 2008

Another damn hobby to feed.

So today while out getting my HSKS spoilee part of her package. I decided I was going to pick up some beads while I wa s there. No one should really let me go to Joann's or Micheal's without adequate supervision. And I do mean extreme supervision like having to go through 3 people reviewing my purchase choices. So this is what resulted from only having Husband supervision who will say yes to anything just to get out of the store.


YogaKnot said...

ooo that necklace is cute! did you see the bracket? we have to duel each other. im heartbroken. i don't want the ravenclaws to take each other out lol!

danniellesteen30 said...

I had to look back. Its ok there's a pair of socks in it :)